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Tufts University: PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Mitchel Rose | PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY | Psychology2006-04-01

One of the most frustrating courses I have ever taken. It was easy to get a good grade in the class, but only if you were willing to sit through a 3 hours of Prof. Rose rambling and going off on tangents for roughly 20 minutes worth of actual lecture. I was literally ready to scream by the end of class. He means well, but he has no teaching ability what so ever!

There were only 3 multiple choice tests and one three page "book report" paper. If you do the reading and are good at B.Sing you can get above a B.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Psychology

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Tufts University: PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Mitchel Rose | PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY | Psychology2005-12-16

He is extremely enthusiastic and very entertaining - he loves to act out various cases and tell drawn out stories. The lectures are long and sometimes difficult to get through without making a trip to Dunkin' Donuts :-). The tests are fair, although they are taken mostly from the book and do not cover much from the lectures. However, you will learn a lot in this class - it's a great intro to abnormal psych.

There is a lot of reading, and you have to do it in order to do well on the tests. Assignments include 3 tests and 1 small paper - not bad at all.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Psychology

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Tufts University: PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Mitchel Rose | PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY | Psychology2005-11-29

This was a 3 hour lecture and he is so boring. Completely boring, and this is abnormal psychology! He just drones on and on. His lectures have no coherence, plus he doesn't know his stuff that well.

3 tests
1 paper

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

review a class you took with Mitchel Rose - help your classmates make informed decisions!

Tufts University: PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
David Harder | PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY | Psychology2005-03-29

Harder is a wealth of information. He brings his knowledge as a practicing Clinical Psychologist into the classroom, which creates very interesting lectures. If you're interested in Abnormal Psychology, this class can be very interesting and intriguing. If you want to take it for fun, Harder is also very very boring. He speaks in a monotonous tone, and if you're not into the material you will be bored out of your mind.

Reading is intensive, and exams are all multiple choice and pretty challenging. There is one midterm and one final, his exams are pretty straightforward but there's a lot of memorization of the lectures and outside reading. Pretty hard work load, but if it interests you, go for it.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Psychology

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Tufts University: PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
David Harder | PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY | Psychology2005-03-29

Prof. Harder is a good lecturer, class is long but still interesting. Often reading and lecture don't overlap as much as would be desired. Test questions are tricky.

A lot of reading, tests are pretty hard. only 3 tests though and no other assignments

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Psychology

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Tufts University: PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Mitchel Rose | PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY | Psychology2004-09-03

Prof. Rose was a real character. His lectures were usually unrelated to the readings, but valuable to hear. He's a clinician and describes case studies during class without really touching on what the assingment was. The book we used was fantastic and the main source of what I learned.

His tests were sketch. They were usually very easy, but the questions on them were often poorly worded or related to some obscure comment he made in class that doesn't reflect what you learn. There were just three tests and a 2 page paper on psychology-related novel.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
David Harder | PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY | Psychology2004-09-03

This was a good course and Dr. Harder was open to answering any questions his students may have had. Unfortunately, the material covered in the book was vaguely touched upon and questions on the test resembled the Psy GRE in difficulty. However, tests are scaled, so good grades are not too difficult to come by. You will learn a lot in this course, but may be frustrated by the tests.

The workload is not great, but it will remain difficult to be prepared for exams.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY - Psychology - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Mitchel Rose | PSY012 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY | Psychology2004-05-12

Although Dr. Rose was very enthusiastic and entertaining, he was also extremely disorganized and his lectures, at times, were entirely different from the readings. I learned mostly from the book, but his tests were fair considering how little time he spent actually teaching. Because of his tendency to scale things and his entertainment value, I would take another class with him.

The readings were extensive, but we only had 3 multiple choice tests and one very small paper. If you come to class and look at the material in the back of the chapter, you pretty much know everything you need to know and more!

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

review a class you took with Mitchel Rose - help your classmates make informed decisions!
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Top Professors - Psychology

1. Daniel Hannon (2.65)
2. Joseph Debold (2.48)
3. Sam Sommers (2.4)
4. Donna Mumme (2.28)
5. Carolyn Cohen (2.15)
6. Robert Cook (2.15)
7. Holly Taylor (2.15)
8. David Harder (1.48)
9. Sinai Nathanson (1.32)
10. Michael Carlin (0.75)
11. Lisa Shin (0.65)
12. Phillip Holcomb (0.48)
13. Mitchel Rose (0.45)
14. Emily Bushnell (0.4)
15. Nalini Ambady (-0.02)
16. Halin Schendan (-0.05)
17. Keith Maddox (-0.35)
18. Joanna Morris Florack (-0.85)

Instructor rating avg: 3.3 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.4 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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