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Tufts University: EC060 - International Economics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Siddiq Abdullah | EC060 - International Economics | Economics2008-01-03

Prof Abdullah constantly asks the class in lectures "do you understand". If you do not, say so! He will backtrack and review until you understand it all. He is very tolerant of people's views and encourages class involvement. Lectures are helpful but not mandatory - although he sometimes allows students in class on a particular day an extra credit activity. I learned a lot about this class - its interesting and an easy class to take for a good background on the markets. He was available outside of class usually, if not by email. And I would absolutely take another class with him!

4 homeworks 15%
midterm 25%
midterm 25%
final 35%

Reading was very helpful but could be lengthy. typical of economics class. assignments were relevant almost directly to the exams. best advice: make sure you know which chapters are on which exams, he's not always very clear about this.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: EC060 - International Economics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Siddiq Abdullah | EC060 - International Economics | Economics2006-01-08

I would discourage anyone from taking this class. Abdullah is not a good professor- he's simply not much good at imparting his knowledge, and that's all there is to it. Classes are very boring and completely confusing, and students often rely on their TA's to demystify the concepts learned in class.

While this sounds like an ideal econ class for IR majors, it's not. You will learn next to nothing and you will be bored to boot. If you're interested in the concepts of economics, and the political implications of economic decisions, i would recommend Prof. Chase's (Poli Sci) classes on US Foreign Economic Policy. This class is a waste of time for econ majors and non-econ majors alike.

Light workload, but the tests are obnoxious and don't always make sense. Exam questions don't test whether you understand the concepts, but rather if you memorized the definitions from class and the text.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: International Relations

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Tufts University: EC060 - International Economics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Siddiq Abdullah | EC060 - International Economics | Economics2005-12-28

Professor Adullah was better in Ec 5. He doesn't tell his corny jokes in Ec 60 for some reason, and that was one of the only reasons I attended his Ec 5 lectures. He knows his subject though, and the general layout of the course was well organized.

A good bit of reading, but you can skim most of it if you go to lectures and recitations.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: International Relations

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Tufts University: EC060 - International Economics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Siddiq Abdullah | EC060 - International Economics | Economics2005-12-21

Hands down the worst professor on campus. Abdullah is offensively bad. Don't take this class unless you hate this school and want a reason to transfer. Abdullah does not know the material and he is careless in his testing. He doesn't even really seem to care about the course. He doesn't even assign problem sets, he'll just mention a couple questions out of the book once in a while.

You have to read the book because you don't get anything from lectures. The tests are short and are pretty much all multiple choice. He takes questions straight out of the test bank and doesn't even read through the test before he gives it out. Don't forget to look at the board during tests, because it will always be full of corrections. Avoid this course, please.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: EC060 - International Economics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Siddiq Abdullah | EC060 - International Economics | Economics2005-12-21

Prof. Abdullah is a great professor. He's genuinely concerned with students progress and attempts to keep class interesting with funny remarks. He is very enthusiastic and often lets you go 10-15 mins early. You will learn a great deal about International trade + foreign exchange if you take this class.

The workload was by no means bad at all. Something like 4 or 5 homework assignments, 2 tests and a final. The tests and the final however are VERY difficult. While there's no new material on the tests, Prof Abdullah wants you to apply the material to new concepts, and sometimes the questions (mostly multiple choice) are phrased strangely.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: International Relations

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Tufts University: EC060 - International Economics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Siddiq Abdullah | EC060 - International Economics | Economics2005-12-14

In my opinion, the worst professor at Tufts. Not only does Abdullah not have any idea how to teach a college course, nor a proper grasp of English, he doesn't even know what he's talking about. This man clearly does not have the expertise to teach college students about international economics. But that really doesn't matter, because he gives you 30 question multiples choice tests from the test bank. Don't worry, he doesn't check the questions before the test to see if they even make sense. I don't think the Economics Department even knows what they're doing to their students.

Plan on spending a lot of time in his office arguing over questions that don't actually mean anything in English and over questions where he doesn't even know the right answer. Besides that, you have to read the book and you have to go to class because he randomly assigns problems out of the book and even some random essays.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: Economics

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Tufts University: EC060 - International Economics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Siddiq Abdullah | EC060 - International Economics | Economics2005-06-28

Prof. Abdullah is passionate about Economics and excited to share information with his students. He is very approachable and accommodating about help outside of class, but will not pursue you. His tests are more difficult than average and require you to apply concepts learned in lecture new contexts. Attendance is EXTREMELY important. Don't be fooled by the fact that the class is a lecture. 90% of the material is from the class notes, although the book is an interesting and helpful companion.

The workload isn't bad as long as you can learn to skim the reading for what is important rather than outlining entire chapters. Doing the problem sets is a good way to gage your progress, they are mandatory during summer session, but not regular classes.

professor rating: | course rating: | major: International Relations

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Tufts University: EC060 - International Economics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Sharun Mukand | EC060 - International Economics | Economics2004-07-11

The class was straightforward, but lectures were sometimes hard to sit though. Tests were definitely fair and Prof. Mukand makes himself accessible to students outside of class. I would suggest going to recitation even though it's not required--I wish I had attended more often, as the material was put into problems rather than just having it stated.

Fair amount of work--very easy to get behind on readings, homework etc., but helps so much on tests!!

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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Tufts University: EC060 - International Economics - Economics - Professor ratings, reviews and much more | JumboAccess
Sharun Mukand | EC060 - International Economics | Economics2004-04-06

Students generally like his class. The course is well organized and straightforward. His tests are straightforward and fair, although Professor Mukand grades on a bell curve. In addition, Professor Mukand has an excellent sense of humor. Overall, this is a great course.

This course requires a recitation (attendance is taken!) Problem sets are not graded but one still has to turn them in. The exams follow what the problem sets cover ? so it is important to actually do them. He usually slips in one question in each exam that is new..

professor rating: | course rating: | major: N/A

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27. Sarwat Jahan (0.5)
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29. Siddiq Abdullah (0.27)
30. Felipe Martin (0.17)
31. Drusilla Brown (0.14)
32. Chih Ming Tan (0)
33. Winifred Rothenberg (-0.5)

Instructor rating avg: 3.5 out of 5
Course rating avg: 3.5 out of 5

>1 = Above Department Average
<1 = Below Department Average

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